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Tomáš Fichtel

MVDr. Tomáš Fichtel, Ph.D.

MVDr. Tomáš Fichtel was born in Brno in 1969. Here he graduated from grammar school and after finishing it, he studied at VFU (Veterinary University) in Brno, Faculty of General Veterinary Medicine. In 1994, he finished his studies and graduated as a doctor of veterinary medicine. He then worked briefly in private practice as a general veterinarian. In addition, he completed professional visits at private workplaces in Austria and Germany. Then, in 1996, he returned to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the VFU as an academic worker. In 2004, he defended his dissertation on the topic "Origin and development of parodontitis apicalis of the fourth maxillary premolar in a dog". Currently, he is still working at the KCHPK Veterinary University Brno, Department of Surgery, where he mainly deals with dentistry and orofacial surgery in addition to general surgery. He is the supervisor of students of the doctoral study program (PhD) – 2 completed and diploma students – 8 completed at FVL Veterinary University Brno. He is the author and co-author of a total of 105 articles, scientific and professional publications. Furthermore, he is the researcher and co-director of 4 research projects and co-author of 2 industrial patents.

He is a member of the European Veterinary Dental Society (EVDS), a member of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Tierärztliche Zahnheilkunde (ÖGTZ).


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Telefon: 284 001 444
E-mail: vkcavlmz@guarant.cz | Web: www.guarant.cz

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